BlueDiamond: 24×7 monitoring for all components of your IT environment
Our 24/7 monitoring tool, bluediamondᶟ, is an all-in-one proactive monitoring service for your cloud, databases, applications, and infrastructure, providing peace of mind that your mission-critical environments are being carefully managed.
What does it enable for our clients?
Our BlueDiamond software enables the integration of third-party monitoring tools, expanding our capabilities for a growing scope of customer environments via a single, consistent interface.
In this iteration, we have now integrated alerts from Zabbix (for network and infrastructure monitoring), AWS CloudWatch and Azure Monitor (for AWS and Azure cloud environments), with Oracle Cloud alerts.
For our clients, this means they receive peace of mind that their mission-critical environments are being carefully managed, eliminating the risk of service outages and more.
How is this solution different from other tools in the market?
Bluediamond³ uses a smaller footprint than other monitoring tools in the market, by running a centrally located Agent that makes remote connections to various components in the client’s network, with no further software needing to be installed. The Agent comes at no extra cost to managed services customers, with similar platforms often requiring a subscription fee.
This solution integrates with existing third-party monitoring services to collect metrics that can be analysed by the alert trigger processing of bluediamond³ that notifies BCS staff of any problems.
What is the technology that powers BlueDiamond?
Java, Angular and AWS cloud are the three technologies that power bluediamond³.
The Agent is written in Java and bundled with its own Java Runtime Environment to ensure smooth rollout and limited impact on existing configurations. Java is platform-independent, with support for both Windows and Unix systems. With a robust set of libraries, the Agent can remotely communicate with various components to gather metrics through scripts, APIs, and HTTP requests. Metrics are pushed to a secure AWS S3 bucket for processing by the bluediamond³ API.
What does BlueDiamond3 enable for our customers?
BlueDiamond version 3 means more monitoring capabilities for customers with infrastructure outside of on-premise servers, databases, and applications. Real-time metrics can now be pulled from AWS, Azure, Zabbix, and Oracle Cloud, which will allow us to effectively identify problems, both existing and likely to occur in the future, and prevent them from impacting their business operations.
Get your systems protected today. Learn more about our BlueDiamond monitoring tool.